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03-22-07 DBMC Meeting Minutes
Duxbury Bay Management Commission

Meeting Minutes – Thursday, February 22, 2007

A meeting of the Duxbury Bay Management Commission was held at the Duxbury Senior Center at 7 pm.  

In attendance:

Duxbury Bay Management Commission (DBMC):
In attendance: Shawn Dahlen, Ned Lawson, John Brawley (acting Secretary), Jack Kent, Emmett Sheehan.
Missing: John Carnuccio (Chair), Don Gunster, Kathy Gould, Corey Wisneski (Secretary), Don Beers (ex officio).
A quorum was reached.

I.      Bay Avenue Seawall Repairs Update
Commission members discussed the project in general and the breakdown of funding (50% state, 25% town, and %25 county).  N. Lawson will draft letter of recommendation to the BOS which will include the issue of renourishment using Green Harbor dredged material and suggesting that the residents of Bay Avenue assume part of the costs of the projects.

II.     Hornbeam Road Pier
Commission members reviewed plans to construct a neighborhood/shared pier proposed at the end of Hornbeam Rd., Duxbury.  The DBMC saw no reason to object to proposed pier.  N. Lawson to draft letter of recommendation/no objection for submission to the BOS.

III.    Proposed Change in Mooring Deployment Time Limits (P. Melo, not present)

The DBMC reviewed a proposal to extend the time which moorings can be deployed in the waters of Duxbury.  The proposal did not specify exact date being proposed, but it was thought to be sometime in June.  The rationale stated in a letter submitted by P. Melo (not present) was that often spring weather conditions can delay deployment and that rushing to meet an early date may jeopardize safety.

V.                Other Business

The DBMC heard an update on progress to develop a draft aquaculture management plan.  J. Brawley stated that two meetings had taken place and that the subcommittee was making good progress.  No final date for submission has been set.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

John Brawley
Acting Secretary